Automated Provisioning

The release notes cover new features, enhancements and several other bug fixes with stability improvements for delivering optimum user-experience.

Automated Provisioning | 5.5

August 27th, 2021

Automated Provisioning 5.5 introduces certain enhancements and optimizations to deliver optimum experience for the admin.

What’s new

  • Ability to add optional attribute while defining Connector meta
  • CampusNexus: Ability to pull data from "EnrolledProgram" entity.
  • Ability to write-back from Manage to Admit


  • Record fails to process if there is a single quote in data

Automated Provisioning | 5.4

July 30th, 2021

Automated Provisioning 5.4 introduces enhancements to RestAPI and Welcome Notification workflows along-with other optimizations and improvements to deliver optimum experience for the admin.

What’s new

  • RestAPI: Ability to select predefined scripts from dropdown
  • Ability to generate XML, CSV or JSON export files as per desired attribute mapping and transformation
  • Ability to send welcome notification via SMS


  • Workday: WorkAddressline1 and WorkAddressline2 have the same data

Automated Provisioning | 5.3

June 25th, 2021

Automated Provisioning 5.3 introduces enhancements to Zoom Connector along-with other optimizations and improvements for delivering optimum experience for the admin.

What’s new

  • Ability to generate XML, CSV or JSON export files as per attribute mapping and transformation
  • Complete a batch entirely once processing is initiated for XML and other large payload
  • User provisioning to Zoom


  • Resync does not work for records processed from Message Queue Connector
  • Icons were overlapping on Attribute fields

Automated Provisioning | 5.2

May 28th, 2021

Automated Provisioning 5.2 introduces several enhancements to Moodle Connector along-with introduction of a new Zoom Connector and Custom Forms for provisioning users.

What’s new

  • Moodle: Ability to get attendance of Users
  • Moodle: Ability to provision user Grades
  • Introduction of Zoom Connector
  • Introduction of Custom Forms (secured and unsecured) for provisioning users


  • Unifyed API: New fields and error messages needed to be adopted
  • Brackets were getting removed during writeback

Automated Provisioning | 5.1

April 23rd, 2021

Automated Provisioning 5.1 introduces several enhancements to Workday, ADSync and Blackboard Connectors along-with other improvements to admin experience.

What’s new

  • ADSync: Ability to pull users and users' group information from Open LDAP
  • Workday: Support for additional fields from Workday as Source
  • Workday: Ability to get updates for a terminated record in future
  • Blackboard: Ability to synchronously get Grades


  • Workday: Reporting anomaly

Automated Provisioning | 5.0

March 12th, 2021

Automated Provisioning 5.0 introduces SAP Business by Design, ConnectWise and Slate Connectors along-with several improvements and enhancements to admin experience.

What’s new

  • SAP Business by Design | ManageJournalEntryIn Operations
  • Blackboard | Ability to get Grades
  • Ability to add custom attribute for users in Moodle
  • Infrastructure upgrade
  • Ability to write back multiple rows to DB as a result of an API call
  • Ability to pass customer specific custom fields to Unifyed User API for RTDS
  • New custom attribute to be added to Moodle's 'StudentID'
  • XMLParser | Move the file to an error folder if there is any exception
  • ConnectWise Connector
  • ConnectWise | Ability to create new members in ConnectWise
  • Slate Connector
  • SAP Business by Design Connector
  • Slate | Create new users


  • Reports not getting generated for Admit to Banner integration
  • Error folder not getting created where file name is incorrect
  • Maintenance Window: No data coming under Schedule maintenance

Automated Provisioning | 4.9.3

February 23rd, 2021

Automated Provisioning 4.9.3 introduces an enhancement to Unifyed Engage Connector.

What’s new

  • Ability to add custom fields to Unifyed Engage User API

Automated Provisioning | 4.9

January 15th, 2021

Automated Provisioning 4.9 introduces RestAPI Connector for invoking third party API's to fetch certain data as well as several other improvements to deliver optimum user experience.

What’s new

  • Crosswalk support for custom Attribute mappings
  • RestAPI Connector
  • Ability to process a CSV file from RestAPI


  • Crosswalk: Inserting multiple fields separated by | shows blank output
  • Email notification fix for AWS SES

Automated Provisioning | 4.8

November 20th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.8 introduces Admit to Banner integration along-with enhancements to Email settings and several bug fixes for optimum user experience.

What’s new

  • Admit to Banner Integration (Stored Procedure)
  • Ability to white list multiple From Emails in Settings for both SMTP and AWS


  • The L field in AD was being considered as a unique field when URL is configured as a unique field in Connection configuration's Attribute mapping

Automated Provisioning | 4.7

October 30th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.7 introduces enhancements to Connections, SFTP and Blackboard Connectors along with several optimizations to deliver optimum experience for the user.

What’s new

  • Communication Plan for Connections
  • Ability to write back data to a third JDBC connector that is neither source nor destination
  • SFTP Connector: Ability to process multiple entities from one file
  • Blackboard: Ability to assign roles to user while enrollment


  • Update not working for a running connection
  • Fields with hyphens are not written back from AD to Database
  • Unknown error appears intermittently while clicking on "Save and Test" button

Automated Provisioning | 4.6.1

October 13th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.6.1 introduces certain bug fixes for Moodle Connector.

Bug fixes

  • Unable to update user information in Moodle

Automated Provisioning | 4.6

September 25th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.6 introduces enhancements to SFTP and Blackboard Connectors along-with several optimizations to deliver optimum experience for the user.

What’s new

  • Admit to Banner Integration: Ability to Create/Update user via Stored Procedure
  • SFTP Connector: Logic for XML parsing now passes dynamically
  • Ability to create Courses in Blackboard
  • Ability to assign Roles to Users in Blackboard
  • Ability to enroll Users to Courses in Blackboard


  • Random counter appended to fields other than those marked as unique fields

Automated Provisioning | 4.5

August 28th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.5 introduces enhancements to SFTP and Canvas Connectors along-with several optimisations to deliver optimum experience for the user.

What’s new

  • Ability to assign Roles to user in Canvas
  • Ability to configure SFTPClient as Destination Connector to write CSV or JSON content to file
  • SOAP Connector is now split into Workday and CampusNexus Connector
  • CampusNexus: Get all Staff data from CampusNexus API


  • Insights: Unable to search for a record if tenant has AD Sync configured
  • CampusNexus: Notifications not being sent

Automated Provisioning | 4.4

July 24th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.4 introduces enhancements to Blackboard, AD Agent and Office 365 Connectors along-with several optimisations to deliver optimum experience for the user.

What’s new

  • Create, update and delete users in Blackboard
  • AD Agent: Manually Sync password for a user based on samAccountname
  • AD Agent: Ability to configure AD Agent dashboard for a tenant - Display heartbeat, search a user to know when password last synced and daily data
  • Ability to view AD Agent logs remotely for Destination agents
  • Office365: Add passwordProfile while creating or updating user in Office 365
  • Office365: Add otherMails like G Suite while updating user


  • Duplicate course entries are getting created in D2L
  • Running Connections stops intermittently and Connection notifications does not notify that the Connection stopped
  • Blackboard: While creating a PURGE Connection getting errors and there is no Message
  • Connection for Office365 is not working
  • Email addresses are not validating before sending Event Notifications
  • Wait-retry mechanism for LDAP Connector
  • Office365: Enable update of Password Profile for Users
  • Unable to create Moodle Connector with new Email ID

Automated Provisioning | 4.3.3

July 10th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.3.3 introduces a couple of optimisations to AD Agent in order to deliver optimum experience for the user.

Bug fixes

  • AD Agent: Replay failed password sync for a user in destination agent
  • When user changes password in on-premise AD, ADAgent does not sync the password in Cloud AD

Automated Provisioning | 4.3

June 26th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.3 introduces enhancements to Canvas and Moodle Connectors along-with other optimisations and improvements.

What's new

  • Show Change Log in reports drill-down page
  • Ability to Create and Delete groups in Moodle
  • Support for Oracle version 19C
  • AD Agent: All users with password and useraccountcontrol 544 should be updated to 512
  • Option to add CC and BCC fields for Welcome Letters
  • Ability to Create, Update and Delete users in Canvas


  • Input fields with - were not read in ADSync
  • Create and Update user notifications not getting sent if user has null in email address
  • Report data gets delayed on page load
  • Purge option for new Connection not visible

Automated Provisioning | 4.2

May 29th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.2 introduces enhancements to Maintenance Window and several Connectors along-with other optimisations and improvements.

What's new

  • D2L: Ability to select and provision more than one record at a time
  • Ability to define Recurrence in Maintenance Window
  • Moodle: Ability to assign roles to users
  • Configuration of Maintenance Window notifications through Communication plan
  • CampusNexus: Incremental data feed


  • Workday: Time should be used instead of date for Incremental feed
  • Transformed values are undefined when editing any existing Connection
  • Getting blank page on Maintenance Window when clicked on Back button
  • Maintenance Window: Monthly scheduled maintenance start date and end date have no use

Automated Provisioning | 4.1

April 30th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.1 introduces an AD Agent for User Password synchronisation purposes and enhanced Connectors for Moodle and Workday along-with several other optimisations and improvements.

What's new

  • Moodle Connector | Phase 2
  • Ability to configure Multiple notifications for password expiry with different templates
  • Create Notification Plan - Phase 1
  • Incremental data fetching from Workday API
  • AD Agent for User Password sync


  • Data transformation is not working using Regex
  • Update Password fails in AD where OU has space in it
  • Fix for ElasticSearch Logging indices

Automated Provisioning | 4.0

March 27th, 2020

Automated Provisioning 4.0 introduces Connectors for Moodle and Campus Nexus along-with the ability to schedule maintenance window for a running Connection and several other optimisations and improvements.

What's new

  • All email and mandatory fields should now throw relevant errors
  • Ability to schedule maintenance window for a running connection
  • Workflow to search an existing user and edit or create a new user in AD
  • Workflow for creating Groups and OU's in AD
  • Introduction of Moodle Connector | Phase 1
  • AD Sync: Ability to sync OU from AD to AD via Staging table
  • AD Sync: While creating users in target AD - ability to pass DN as a parameter
  • Introduction of Campus Nexus Connector | Phase 1


  • Notifications need to check for Connector and Connections state on basis of specified interval
  • Unable to retain + in phone number

Automated Provisioning | 3.8

February 21st, 2020

Integrate 3.8 introduces core enhancements to technology stack, Connector for Elastic and ability to use Unifyed Admit as a source Connector.

What's new

  • Upgraded Tech Stack
  • D2L Client upgrade - v1.15 to 1.23
  • Implementing lazy loading and modular approach
  • Elastic Connector | Phase 1
  • Ability to send notifications about Connector and Connection status to more than one recipient
  • Admit to Manage Connector | Phase 1
  • Workday Connector | Phase 2


  • Connections show started in UI but do not process any record
  • Fixed redirect URL for G Suite Connector
  • Oracle, MySQL and MSSQL sources fail when queries have line breaks

Automated Provisioning | 3.7

January 24th, 2020

Integrate 3.7 introduces connectors for Canvas and Workday as well as enable means to creating Workflows for Notifications.

What's new

  • Canvas Connector | Phase 1
  • iPaas revamp | Phase II
  • Workday connector | Phase 1
  • Notification Workflow | Phase 1
  • Workflow for generating unique field


  • Update password in AD is not working if using Base DN
  • AD Connection issue - Cannot connect to server - connection is null
  • Banner to AD - Generating unique field is failing when input field has number in it
  • Banner to AD - Updates all write back fields to null when update request to AD fails
  • Load reports details asynchronously to reduce page load time

Automated Provisioning | 3.6

December 24th, 2019

Automated Provisioning 3.6 introduces Connectors for BlackBoard LMS, AD (as Source) and an API to offer ability to receive messages from external clients.

What's new

  • Introduction of BlackBoard LMS Connector
  • Ability to create users in BlackBoard
  • Introduction of RTDS / AD Sync Connector to sync data from AD to any destination
  • Sync data from database to multi-valued attributes in AD
  • UI for adding Advanced mapping in order to generate complex JSON | Phase 1
  • Ability to update password in AD
  • G Suite: Ability to update Primary Email
  • Introduction of Automated Provisioning API with the ability to accept messages
  • Introduction of a Message Queue Connector to receive messages from external clients via API


  • Unable to update Legal Names and Preferred Names for D2L users
  • Only one unique field should be allowed during Attribute mapping

Automated Provisioning | 3.5

November 22nd, 2019

Automated Provisioning 3.5 introduces advanced mapping features to generate JSON, connector for Unifyed Admit and multi-AD lookup capabilities.

What's new

  • New “Validation” type where we can specify table and column that we’d need to check in the output database (Data Maps)
  • Definition of field type on output side for validation
  • Connector for Unifyed Admit | Phase 1
  • Advanced mapping feature to generate complex JSON
  • Allow configuration of multiple notification for same role on Update event
  • Password Sync from QuickLaunch to G Suite
  • Ability to update Legal Names and Preferred Names for D2L users
  • Ability to update email for Unifyed connector
  • Multi AD lookup for generating unique field values via a staging table in source DB


  • User data is not sync if column value is null in source DB
  • Connection frequency in configured to 30 minutes but is running every 2 seconds
  • D2L Existing Cross listed parent course's Code is not getting updated when sections are added

Automated Provisioning | 3.4

October 18th, 2019

Automated Provisioning 3.4 introduces enhancements to G Suite connector (by Google) along-with CSV reading via SFTP and Crosswalk transition capabilities.

What's new

  • Optional fields support for a user in G Suite
  • Change history maintenance for records in G Suite
  • Added Organisation Unit for Users in G Suite
  • Added lookup table and column name ensuring uniqueness of attribute
  • Introduction of a SFTP Adapter with ability to read multiple CSV's
  • Multi AD lookup for generating unique field values via a staging table in source DB
  • Add ability to add if/else criteria while applying custom transformation
  • Introduction of Crosswalk transition method to replace source data based on a lookup/master data table


  • Creating multiple users with same primary key when users have same First name and Last name
  • Welcome email is sent when an inactive user is created in AD
  • CN value should not be changed while updating existing user in Active Directory
  • Email Relay Settings: Password input should not be displayed in text
  • Letters with accent characters were dropped

Automated Provisioning | 3.3

September 13th, 2019

We manage identity for 100s of Delighted Customers.

What's new

  • G Suite: User creation and update
  • G Suite: Allocation of groups to user
  • G Suite: Ability to Suspend user
  • G Suite: Ability to Purge user
  • Ability to create new Connector with AD as source for future ADSync operation
  • Protection against long running query

Automated Provisioning | 3.2

August 9th, 2019

Automated Provisioning 3.2 introduces several new features, bug fixes and stability improvements for delivering optimum user-experience.

What's new

  • Delete (purge) users from AD
  • Hyphen and apostrophe should be retained in all attributes other than samaccountname or upn while creating users in AD
  • Revoke licences if user is inactive or if mapping is changed on allocate licenses dialog
  • Ability to allocate licenses and groups to user in Office 365


  • Connectors stop intermittently
  • Welcome letter for multiple group selection is not working
  • Banner database CPU spikes
  • Connection monitoring reports are sent even when Connection is running
  • While creating Notification settings, clicking on Save creates multiple copies of the same settings
  • Field should not be added to AD if its value is null

Automated Provisioning | 3.1

July 3rd, 2019

Automated Provisioning 3.1 introduces enhancements for Microsoft Office 365, D2L and several other bug fixes with stability improvements for greater user-experience.

What's new

  • Allow users to selectively provision a single record to D2L
  • Ability to search a record in Audit Log drill-down to success/failed record
  • Ability to add count of total eligible records to be processed in last impacted section in Dashboard
  • Add ability to send email from Automated Provisioning via SES
  • Create a monitoring notification email to support team with status of live connections
  • Add ability to select template for Update users
  • Changes in samaccountname should appear as proper text i.e. ability to define login changed message
  • Create users in Office 365
  • Update users in Office 365
  • Assigning User to Groups in O365
  • Allocation of license to the User in O365


  • Update user attribute not working for Office 365

Automated Provisioning | 3.0

June 7th, 2019

Automated Provisioning 3.0 introduces connectors for Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft SQL Server and Unifyed along-with several bug fixes and stability improvements for greater user-experience.

What's new

  • Microsoft Office 365 Connector
  • Enroll instructors to parent course (D2L)
  • Add ability to setup delay and schedule the time of delivery for an email template in a connection
  • Add ability to set up the same email template for one or multiple groups in a connection
  • Unifyed Connector
  • Provision/de-provision users using Unifyed connector
  • Provision/de-provision groups using Unifyed connector
  • Provision/de-provision user's group membership using Unifyed connector
  • Add ability to take XML input using FTP Connector and provision the same
  • Microsoft SQL Server connector
  • Add ability to remap uniquely generated sameaccountnumber suffixed with max 3 digit random number
  • While writing back to Banner consider only the fields that are mapped in IAM write-back
  • Allow same CN value for multiple users in different OU


  • @ is stripped off email when writing back to acknowledgement table
  • In case AD entry has binary fields, write-back status was failing
  • Email displaying junk data instead of expected text
  • On Write Back status page, drop down does not display all the columns

Automated Provisioning | 2.2

May 6th, 2019

Automated Provisioning 2.2 fixes certain reporting related issues as well as introduces several new enhancements to D2L connector and user sync flows.

What's new

  • Ability to add multiple Banner courses as sections in a Parent Course (Cross List)
  • Enroll students to parent course and cross listed courses
  • Ability to retain groups selectively from mapped groups when user is disabled
  • Ability to set default password and set user must change password on first login
  • Allowing special characters in user CN


  • Number of users provisioned and de-provisioned displayed in dashboard is incorrect

Automated Provisioning | 2.1

April 19th, 2019

With Automated Provisioning 2.1, we have introduced a Connector for Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS) by Desire2Learn (D2L). Now keep your students, courses and semesters across colleges and departments in sync with Banner and enable learning experiences for your students like never before.

What's new

  • Creating D2L Connector
  • Creating and updating users in D2L from Banner
  • Ability to create semester in D2L
  • Ability to create a college in D2L
  • Ability to enroll users to Courses
  • Ability to create a department
  • Ability to add multiple unique fields while provisioning a user to AD
  • Deactivate courses from D2L based on their status in Banner
  • Un-enroll Student from courses in D2L based on Banner data
  • Un-enroll Instructors from courses in D2L
  • Data sync failure and recovery development
  • Ability to define mandatory fields while mapping D2L fields
  • Ability to view provisioned input in Dashboard on Timeline search
  • Deleted Connection cards will not show in Dashboard
  • All records will be processed in a Work unit for optimization purposes


  • Incorrect count is displayed in reporting while data provisioning
  • Manual addition of a user not working in Firefox browser
  • Disabled user's userAccountControl value not changing when user OU is also changed

Automated Provisioning | 2.0

March 8th, 2019

Automate and setup schedules to seamlessly provision and maintain active users at your institute through Automated Provisioning 2.0 (AP). Transform data on-the-fly, notify provisioned users instantly and leverage on AP’s insightful Analytics to stay on top of your game.

What's new

  • Enabled FTP Connector creation
  • Performance improvement by introducing parallel processing of user records
  • Design enhancements for optimum user-experience
  • User timeline widget in Dashboard now supports wild-card search
  • Ability to fetch records in batches from Source for greater performance
  • Connection management for fast data retrieval from Database
  • Ability to add Base DN while selecting the destination as AD
  • Ability to pick delta records since last data synchronization
  • Automated Provisioning Product manual


  • [DEV-733] - Recipients getting Welcome email multiple times
  • Server restarts multiple times under load
  • Data synchronization should stop after deleting the connector
  • Test response loading icon missing in Firefox browser
  • Search Results drop-down is showing on selection of Connection in reporting

Automated Provisioning | Release Candidate 2

February 8th, 2019

Identity and Access Management / Automated Provisioning version RC2 prioritizes performance and product stability for optimum experience of the end-user.

What's new

  • Multi-node/tenant - Enabling auto-scaling capability
  • Ability to run synchronize job every X hours
  • Ability to add disabled user to a specific group


  • Data should not synchronize after stopping an active Connection
  • Slashed some Dashboard UI bugs
  • Unable to create connection for new Tenant
  • Data synchronize stops working after re-starting Automated Provisioning
  • Synchronization failure with blank test response and message
  • Failed data from synchronization not reflecting in reporting
  • Data synchronization should stop after deleting a Connector

What our customers say about us

  • We improved user experience for everyone at Roanoke-Chowan Community College who was finding it difficult to login to multiple applications from different screens using multiple credentials. QuickLaunch Single Sign-On provided one-click secure access to all applications from a single screen, thereby improving user experience. Moreover, users can now reset their passwords on their own without raising the password reset request to help desk. All our user accounts are secured with strong MFA policies offered by QuickLaunch.

    Michael J. Wilson
    System Administrator, Roanoke-Chowan Community College
  • We’d tried and abandoned multi previous approaches to single sign-on before adopting QuickLaunch. We needed a cloud-based solution that offered password reset, CAS, SAML, MFA, and the ability to ease the stress on the IT staff. QuickLaunch offered this and much more.

    Allen Saylor
    Chief Technology Officer, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
  • The professionalism and technical knowledge demonstrated by the QuickLaunch Team is unmatched. Had it not been for the team's dedication to their identity platform, I am certain that there is no way that our time-sensitive implementation would have been possible

    Robin Strader
    Executive Director of Information Systems, Pierpont Community and Technical College