A recent study found that 69% of users believe passwordless authentication offers high security. This is due to the fact that it is based on multiple strong factors rather than weak memorized secret passwords that can be easily re-used, stolen, or compromised. Passwordless authentication reduces or eliminates the possibility (and cost) of many threats observed in 2020:
What is Passwordless authentication?- Passwordless Authentication enables a user to provide multiple, mutually independent proofs of identity, without requiring a password to login to the desktop.
Unfortunately, cyber criminals look to get their hands on any information that they possibly can ranging from more obvious sensitive information such as social security numbers and credit card information to more obscure data like past purchase history.
EdTech, or educational technology, has seen a remarkable expansion in recent years. With the onset of Covid-19, it's become even more ubiquitous - whether we're talking high schools or universities everyone is now adjusting to virtual classes. However, as ed-tech companies continue developing powerful learning tools for students, data privacy becomes a paramount concern. Everyone must come together and prioritize student security so that they can get access to the best possible education while still keeping their personal information safe from potential misuse by third parties.
By eliminating the need to password-protect every access point, students can move through their digital tasks quicker and more securely. Plus, it gives universities a leg up in today's competitive environment while protecting both their reputation and meeting compliance obligations so they can focus on innovation instead of security worries.
Revamped user interface: You no longer need to memorize any login information, whether it be for PIN authentication or email verification. Passwordless authentication is quick and easy to use and is compatible with both websites and mobile applications.
Enhanced cost-effectiveness: Maintaining passwords is an additional expense. Forrester estimates that resetting a password typically costs a business $70 and it can rise to $1 million USD annually for big institutions. Of course, removing passwords will save money as well as time and productivity. Greater security: Passwords that are managed by the user are more susceptible to phishing, credential stuffing, brute-force attacks, and other threats. Thus, those vulnerabilities will automatically decrease if there are no passwords to crack in the first place. Boost convenience: Simplifying and streamlining the login process for end users. Greater IT control and visibility: Regaining full visibility over identity and access management is one of the main goals of IT, which can be achieved by going password-free. IT is able to manage organization-wide security and improve visibility into user-specific inputs.Unlock the chains of traditional password management and say goodbye to annoying security questions! Thanks to QuickLaunch's "Freedom to Be Passwordless" program, more than 500 institutions have kicked their vulnerable passwords-based systems to the curb. Ready for a safer online experience? Join hundreds of others in saying no fear - just go passwordless with QuickLaunch today! "Click here...."